Celebrating Nigeria Women Milestones: A Sneak Peek Into Mrs. Mbah’s Life
As days turn into weeks and weeks into months and years, women have evolved from the status quo of being at the frontline only at home; they have taken bold strides and with hard work and tenacity, they have something to show for it. The story of Mrs. Mbah is a testament to how women are breaking ground in every sphere and sector they find themselves; so let’s celebrate her milestone and have a sneak peek into her life as a corporate woman living in Nigeria.
Please May We Know You Ma?
My name is Mrs. Ifeoma Mbah; I work in an investment company as an asset manager where we help people diversify their income by investing in stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc and we serve as an intermediary for people who want to do international investments.
That Sounds Like A Well-Paying Job
If you say so #winks#
What Prompted You To Invest In Land?
Before this time, I had never owned land due to people’s experiences of being scammed and not allocated their lands. A friend of mine eventually introduced me to Buildbay and advised me to key into it. Since he’s someone I trust, I decided to give it a shot and the best part about it is that I could pay in installments, this caught my interest and I became a proud landlady.
How Does It Feel To Have A Landed Property In Your Name?
It’s an amazing feeling, after working in the corporate world for several years, it is great to have something tangible to show for it. The day of my allocation was enlightening because I was guided on the benefits of getting land in my location and learned about other inherent opportunities.
Do You Think Nigeria Women Are Open To Property Ownership In Recent Times?
Absolutely!! The present day Nigeria has women with lots of properties to their name, two of the previous apartments I lived in were owned by women. So gone are the days when various factors hindered women from being financially independent which is an outstanding development.
In The Spirit Of Celebrating Nigeria Women’s Milestones, Does Property Ownership Count As A Milestone?
Of Course!! It does because the benefits attached to it are limitless, it is a long-term investment with massive returns because land appreciates over time.
If You Could Go Back In Time, What Financial Decision Would You Have Taken Differently?
I would have invested in Real Estate but I am glad I have taken this bold step now and I’m confident that its returns are on the way soon.
As A Nigerian Woman In the Corporate World, Do You Have Any Financial Goals?
My goal is to have tons of millions in investment so I can retire and enjoy the returns on my investments.
What Advice Would You Give To Nigerian Women Looking To Become Property Owners?
My advice to them is that they should not limit themselves as females; they should go for it because I come from the school of thought that says “what a man can do, a woman can do better”.
Would You Recommend Buildbay to Your Loved Ones?
I would recommend Buildbay based on my smooth experience with them as regards allocating my land.
What Keeps You Going Daily As A Career Person Living In Nigeria?
I’m a faith person and I believe in prayers, I have realized that my hard work and determination backed up with prayers have worked tremendously for me in achieving my dreams.
Rate Your Buildbay Experience on A Scale of 10
I would give it a 7/10, there is always room for improvement.